I help amplify brands

Don Holmquist is a seasoned designer with experience in print, digital, and web design. For over a vicennium, Don Holmquist has used creative software such as Adobe Creative Suite and received a Bachelor of Science degree in Graphic Design to improve those skills. Don works proficiently in InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator and After Effects. Don has begun improving his design ability as he moves into advanced digital media, UX/UI design and 3D animation.

Previous mentors and current clients can agree that Don has the natural ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines while managing multiple jobs.

KAMALAND - logo - design
Branding & Identity
Logo Design
Creative Direction
Art & Typography
WAR - Wilton Animal Rescue - Logo - Website Design
Web Design
Logo & Website Design
Graphic Design
Print Magazine
Red Cross - Haiti - Video
Motion Graphics
Art Direction & Video Editing
Joan Jett - VIP invitation
Graphic Design
Direct Mail Invitation

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